Facegen Modeler 3.5 3 Suite

FaceGen Modeller is a tool that enables you todesign human faces in a 3D environment. It can generate the itemsrandomly or based on imported photos.

This program is useful if you want to incorporate human faces whenyou’re designing a video game, or just have fun creating virtualversions of yourself and your friends.

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The user interface seems plain, but it has a lot of features thatcan easily become confusing for the untrained eye. Start bygenerating a random face and then adjust its features. You canselect and fully customize race, gender, age, caricature,asymmetry, and race morphing.

You can also change detail texture, detail texture modulation,texture overlay, texture gamma correction, as well as polys (showor hide particular parts, like upper teeth or glasses).

Additionally, the viewing mode can be changed, according to thediffuse shading mode, texture mode, object rotation, backgroundcolor or photo, lighting options, and light sources.

The camera mode can switch from a perspective mode to anortographic mode, but perspective controls can be altered aswell.


Plus, you can change the shape and texture of face characteristics,generate random faces similar to the current one (genetically),tween or morph the face.

Facegen Modeler 3.5 3 Suite

Last but not least, you can use FaceGen PhotoFit to import your ownphotos, assign feature points to a frontal, left profile and rightprofile image, and finally allow the software to process it.

We tested this last option but disabled the preservation of facialhair in detail texture, as well as usage of detail texture fromside photos. FaceGen took ten minutes (in our case) to build thevirtual human face, and the resemblance was amazing.

In conclusion, FaceGen Modeller proves to be an excellent programfor creating and designing human faces. Keep in mind that thisprogram uses a very high amount of CPU and memory resources, butthis is to be expected from such a powerful tool.

Facegen Modeler 3.5 3 Suite Software

Here are some key features of “FaceGenModeller”:
Instant, realistic face creation:
– Generate realistic faces at random for any race, gender and adultage group.
– Easily create faces from one or more photographs.
– Over 50 symmetric and 25 asymmetric shape controls.
– Over 30 coloring (texture) controls.
– Quickly shape faces to match almost any adult human face.
– Apply detailed skin textures.

Flexible import options:
– Match faces to your photographs.
– Bring in your own head mesh and hairstyle models using theFaceGen Customizer.
– Import your own texture images onto any object.

Flexible export options:
– Apply your face to any of our hi-res, med-res and lo-resmeshes.
– Or apply your face to your own mesh and UV layout using theFaceGen Customizer.
– Save your faces in the FaceGen FG format and apply them later toany mesh.
– Export models to 3DS, Maya ASCII (ma), Lightwave 6 (LWO), OBJ,XSI, VRML1 and VRML97.
– Export texture maps to BMP, JPEG, TGA and TIFF.
– Transform the coordinate system of your exports.

Facegen Modeler 3.5 3 Suite

Instant Animatability:
– Comes with 36 expressions, phonemes and modifiers.
– Blendshapes appear automatically in Maya.
– Endomorphs appear automatically in Lightwave and are easilyhooked up in MotionBuilder or any other application that reads LWOfiles.
– Morph targets appear automatically in Softimage 3D and XSI.
– Morph targets are batch exported in a single command for users ofMax (via OBJ or 3DS), and for any other application that reads OBJ,3DS or VRML1/97.
– Animation morphs are mesh-specific and are not included with someof the add-on meshes.

Setup+Crack Size: 1580 MB

Download Links > FaceGen Modeler v3.5.3 + Crack

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Generate 3D faces from one or more photos (or at random, or using 3D scan data):

... to ...

Modify faces using over 150 controls, including click-and-drag:

Apply a skin texture to the face you've created:

... goes to ...

Apply expression morphs and accessory models. Modeller comes with over 110 morph targets including the entire Facial Action Coding System (FACS). All expressions and accessory models are automatically adapted to each face:

Export to Collada (DAE), Filmbox (FBX), 3D Studio (3DS), Maya ASCII (ma), Lightwave 6.x LWO2 (LWO), Wavefront (OBJ), Softimage dotXSI 3.0 (XSI), VRML 97 (WRL) or STL including all expression morph targets if desired.

Choose a default scale, rotation and translation for all your exports.

Export your texture maps to PNG, JPEG, TGA or BMP.

FaceGen Modeller runs on Windows 7, 8 and 10.

More Info

The Pro version adds all functionality found in Artist Pro and 3D Print Pro, numeric edit boxes for precise control of all sliders, export of all slider values to CSV file, and export of all face space basis co-efficients to CSV file.

Facegen Modeler 3.5 3 Suite Tutorial

Demo (Free)Core ($299)Pro ($699)Enterprise ($1,395)
Export to 3D formats
No logo on face
Additional Model Sets & Hair
Daz Genesis export (Artist Pro)
3D Print meshes
(3D Print Pro)
CSV Exports and numeric edit boxes
FaceGen Customizer & Integration Tools
Redistribution License

Upgrade: Email support@facegen.com with your purchasing name for a coupon.

Academic institutions: Get 4 seats for 1 purchase; use your institution's email address when purchasing.